Category "xamarin"

How can I open app when screen is off from foreground service?

Android: 11 NETStandard.Library: 2.0.3 Xamarin.Forms: Permissions(i tried): "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" "android.permission.INSTANT_APP_F

Writing files to iPhone internal storage accessible for PC user via USB cable (Xamarin)

I am building an iPhone scanner application for my company using Xamarin, C#. The environment is heavily restricted, no Bluetooth or wifi communication is allow

Why does my OpenGL ES app crash on glDrawElements?

I have developed a mobile game with OpenGL ES 3 on Xamarin (Which uses OpenTK). It's running fine on most devices, but crashes on some devices (HUAWEI Y5 lite).

How to achieve Indeterminate state for checkbox in Xamarin form In Android

I want to achieve CheckBox where it works for three state. In UWP I am able to achieve with custom Renderer with "IsThreeState" and by setting IsChecked propert

How to get selected item in Xamarin

I have a Picker in Xamarin and I want to pass the selected item in Picker to the another page(TablePage). Below this Picker there is a button and whenever it is

Xamarin.Build.Download.targets - invalid Id

I cannot build the project after adding Xamarin.Firebase.Functions nuget (v120.0.0) . The error message is: Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(3,3): Error XBD020: I

Backwards Shell navigation does not trigger ApplyQueryAttributes and I can't get the query data .NET MAUI

I have a page that is used to select country code. The ListView with country code's is on another page and on selected country code I navigate back to the previ

Binding to a static property doesn't update in Xamarin Forms

I am learning to use MVVM in Xamarin Forms. I am stuck with a Binding issue. I have been trying different solutions on the internet for the past few hours. I am

Firebase Push notification not receiving on Android 12

My Xamarin.Android app's push notification only works on Android 11 (Pixel 3 XL). Currently my app targets Android 11, however it also runs on Android 12 (Pixel

Change colour of date picker in Android with possibility to have custom Splash screen as well

I am working on a project where I would like to have custom splash screen, however I would also like to have dark styled Android dialogs, that are corresponding

How to create a semi-transparent frame in xaml?

I have made a BMI calculator based on a tutorial on Youtube. I added wallpaper to my app. I want to add a transparent frame to my background and all the control

How to Run SignalR service as a Server in Xamarin

I have a requirement were I need to run SignalR server in Xamarin app, and consume it in web app. As far as I have seen in examples, Xamarin is used as a client

Xamarin Forms CollectionView: Cannot give SelectedItem Transparent background

I am using a CollectionView and when a user selects an item, I don't want the SelectedItem to show background color at all. I have tried to achieve this effect

Xamarin: How to delete files using CrossFilePicker Xamarin Forms

I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still

What is a good strategy to save user premium subscription for a web app with Azure AD B2C as user management system?

I am building a Blazor Server web app that will have locked features only accessible via paid subscription (payment handled with stripe). I am using Azure AD B2

How to easily share code between iOS and Mac Catalyst in .net 6?

I'm in the process of upgrading a Xamarin Native solution to run on .net 6 using SDK style multi-targetted projects. As I understand it, there are two ways of w

vs2019 - Xamarin: loses path settings of "Java Development Kit Location"

I do a very simple thing. I go to Tools -> Options -> Xamarin> Android Settings and I change the "Java Development Kit Location" path. I press ok. I co

Dynamicly adding StackLayout

So what I wanna do is have a stacklayout, with entries etc. Added when I set it in the code. For example, I have 3 entries, once they are all filled I want a se

Warning: Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065"?

MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065". Check

Install APK by programmatically Xamarin.Forms (Android)

So far my code looks like this: 1. Dowload the APK file and save it into internal storege: Using DependencyServices App.xaml.cs IDownloader downloader = Dep