Category "xcode"

Export Archive with Xcode13: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format

Xcode 13.2.1 Exporting Archive for Development team with "Distribute App" fails Xcode 13.1 - works on the same MacBook to export IPA for development distributio

How to open google map links on apple map in wkwebview Swift?

I have an application and i am working with WKWebView. In WkWebView i have "get directions" links. When i press the "get directions" link, it must open a map. B

flutter build ios --release fatal error: module 'add_2_calendar' not found

I want to make a release for my project who work perefctly in dev mode. When I make only flutter ios build it works fine but flutter build ios --release doesn'

Package.resolved file is corrupted or malformed

I have a build error saying that all my SPM packages are missing. I decided to remove and re-add each package to the project, but each attempt at adding a packa

How to make react native app communicate with local machine (ios)

I need to know ALL the things I need to do in order to allow a react native app communicate with a local server running on my mac. (I'm running react native on

Package.resolved file is corrupted or malformed

I have a build error saying that all my SPM packages are missing. I decided to remove and re-add each package to the project, but each attempt at adding a packa

How to test receipt when Migrating iOS app from Paid to Freemium/Free in SwiftUI

I'm planning to update my app from a Paid app to a Free app with possible IAPs. I've come across the Receipt Validation, but I'm finding it very confusing. All

Error 'cannot find type 'UIHostingController' in scope'

Why could a distribution build be failed with SwiftUI? I added SwiftUI into my iOS 10+ project, and build it locally with @available(iOS 13.0, *) prefix, but wh

PhaseScriptExecution error in React Native app

Facing this error when I run react-native run-ios after creating the project Error - error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exite

Selection of nested CoreData List SwiftUI

Im trying to make my List selectable so I can delete or share multiple instances! Im trying to do that, with this method: List(selection: $selection) Here's my

Why is Xcode crashing when I try to preview?

Every time I am trying to resume my preview canvas in Xcode I get this annoying error. I tried restarting, moving the project to another location, and changing

State of an instance is not updating -- SwiftUI

So I have this structure Task which has a @State completion: struct Task:Identifiable{ var id: Int @State var completion:Bool = false var priority:S

xcodebuild gives an error for multiple implementation of AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate and AMSupportURLSession : "Which one is undefined."

When I want to run any xcodebuild action it gives me the following error while the Xcode ide is working fine on Apple M1. > xcodebuild -version objc[72320]:

Get the devices list from iPhone Bluetooth , including connected and unconnected devices

The Bluetooth search page of iPhone shows these offline Bluetooth headsets. I hope to get this list and show it in my app. Can I realize this function? How? th

How do I center an Image view in pdf format with SwiftUI?

I have a vector (converted to Pdf) that I want to use as my background for my app. However, the Image is aligned all the way to the left as you'd expect when us

Xcode is damaged and refuse to run the code

When I press "Build" and/or "Run" buttons in Xcode (SwiftUI), it shows me an error and I get this message: One of the paths in DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS does not

Unable to Update XCode: Not enough space [duplicate]

I am trying to update XCode from 11.2.1 to 12.4. I installed XCode from the app-store, so I am trying to update it from there itself. I have 2

Swift // MLDataTable error: Couldn't lookup symbols:

import Cocoa import CreateML let data = try MLDataTable(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/allan/Downloads/twitter-sanders-apple3.csv")) I got this erro

Swiftlint can't be found on Apple Silicon xcode

When installing swiftlint with homebrew everything installs correctly but when I open xcode I see the message that swiftlint isn't installed. I read this issue

Cannot add Push Notifications to Debug in Xcode 13

I get the following error in the console when running the app: [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM012002] Error in application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWit