Category "xcode13"

Export Archive with Xcode13: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format

Xcode 13.2.1 Exporting Archive for Development team with "Distribute App" fails Xcode 13.1 - works on the same MacBook to export IPA for development distributio

XCode 13 and iOS 11.4 Simulator

All simulators of 11 version and below are missed after updating XCode to 13 version. There is iOS 11.4 in the list of available simulators: Simulator list: Bu

Xcode 13 Warning - [NSKeyedUnarchiver validateAllowedClass:forKey:]

I am using File Storage system for saving some data models confirming to Codable Protocol. My Save function is as below: func save<T: Encodable>(value: T,

iOS 15 Navigation Bar Transparent

My iOS app uses the storyboard for the UI and uses a custom tint for the background color of the navigation bar. I have tested my app on the Xcode 13 beta 5 and

ToolbarItemGroup in .toolbar {} doesn't work in a Sheet

I'm using SwiftUI 3.0, Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13.2, tested on iOS 15.3 iPhone device, and iOS 15.2 iPhone simulator. I have tested the following. This is a view, w

Xcode 13 UI Previews folder takes too much space

I have a 250Gb M1 Mac Mini and it is starting to run out of disk space recently, it seems like the UI Previews is the main culprit which takes roughly 165GB spa

Xcode13 how to see pre and post build action logs?

similar question to this thread but that thread is very outdated (Xocde4) on Xcode13. How do you see logs of a pre and post build action? I am running a script

I want to move placeholder text while typing the text in Textfield

I used the following code UITextField *email =[[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(48, 330, 330, 50)]; UITextField *password =[[UITextField alloc]initWi

tracking down/working around UnsafeRawBufferPointer with negative count (presumably somewhere out of SwiftUI intestines/Swift runtime)

What do I do about this? I get no useful info predictably. A search for UnsafeMutablePointer yields func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView,

Xcode 13 crashing when adding a dictionary to the Info.plist from a target

Xcode Version 13.3 beta 3 (13E5104i) or Version 13.2.1 (13C100) When I add a dictionary to the Info.plist file from the Info tab in the project (for example wit

Xcode 13 on Catalina

I downloaded Xcode 13.2.1 from Xcode Releases but as it is not supported for macOS Catalina I cannot install it. Are there any ways around this, other than to f

Xcode 13.2 - How to hide git changes in the code editor?

In the latest release of Xcode 13.2, there has been a new feature, which allows us to see both old new versions of a line. In my opinion, it's kind of difficult