Category "xgboost"

suggest_int() missing 1 required positional argument: 'high' error on Optuna

I have the following code of Optuna to do the hyperparameter tunning for a Xgboost classifier. import optuna from optuna import Trial, visualization from optun

Why does training Xgboost model with pseudo-Huber loss return a constant test metric?

I am trying to fit an xgboost model using the native pseudo-Huber loss reg:pseudohubererror. However, it doesn't seem to be working since nor the training nor t

How to slice a XGBClassifier/XGBRegressor model into sub-models?

This document shows that a XGBoost API trained model can be sliced by following code: from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import xgboost as xgb bo

How to slice a XGBClassifier/XGBRegressor model into sub-models?

This document shows that a XGBoost API trained model can be sliced by following code: from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import xgboost as xgb bo

latest aws xgb image does not support reg:

The following code snippet is inspired by this. hyperparameters = { "max_depth":"5", "eta":"0.2", "gamma":"4", "min_child_weight

Deploying ML model on Streamlit

I have a code that basically takes in a csv, which can be uploaded from streamlit and then pushes out a classification prediction. Just as a context I use xgboo

Problem with `mutate()` input `index_date` when performing time series xgboost in R

here my reproducible example mydat=structure(list(supplier = c("TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP",

Python 3.7: xgboost.core.XGBoostError

I am new to Python and Iam getting this error when running xgBoost: xgboost.core.XGBoostError: [15:49:05] C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release

XGBoost regression predictions are shifted along the y axis

XGboost regression output is scaled on the Y axis as shown in the image below. Ytest vs Ypred I have provided the code below which got me these results. Tried s

Custom objective function for XGBoost including an external data column

I am using XGBoost in order to do a sales forecasting. I need a custom objective function, as the value of the prediction depends on the sales price of an item.

fastshap: Error in UseMethod("explain") : no applicable method for 'explain' applied to an object of class "xgb.Booster"

After fitting a xgboost model (model_n) I try to run the code below to obtain shap-values, where trainval is a dataframe with my traindata without the Y variabe

XGBoost Model performance

I am trying to use XGBoost for classification. I am pretty doubtful on its accuracy. I have applied it with default parameters and the precision is 100%. xg_c

How to deal with overfitting of xgboost classifier?

I use xgboost to do a multi-class classification of spectrogram images(data link: automotive target classification). The class number is 5, training data includ

XGBoost object 'trainD' not found

I was running this code on RStudio param <- list(colsample_bytree = 1, subsample = .6, booster = "gbtree", max_dept

using H2O flow XGboost model

It gives a regression prediction as continuous score with negative values, like -1.27544 < x < 6.68112. How I interpret the negatives?

XGBoost giving a static prediction of "0.5" randomly

I am using a scikit-learn pipeline with XGBRegressor. Pipeline is working good without any error. When I am prediction with this pipeline, I am predicting the

module 'xgboost' has no attribute 'DMatrix'

I pulled some ML code that ran on kaggle (linux) and tried to run it in a jupyter notebook on a windows machine. Here is the code (some of it): ##### RUN XGBOO

ValueError: multiclass format is not supported , xgboost

My first multiclass classication. I have values X and Y. Y have 5 values [0,1,2,3,4]. But i get this "multiclass format is not supported". Understand that i nee

How to get each individual tree's prediction in xgboost?

Using xgboost.Booster.predict can only get the prediction result of all the tree or the predicted leaf of each tree. But how could I get the prediction value of

multivariate xgboost time series

I implemented a univariate xgboost time series using the following code, def series_to_supervised(data, n_in=1, n_out=1, dropnan=True): n_vars = 1 if type(d