Category "xml"

Create zipfile: TypeError: object of type 'ElementTree' has no len()

I'm writing a xml data to the zip. from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, ElementTree from zipfile import ZipFile def create_tree(): root

compare 2 variables in jelly script

<j:set var="maxEachOSTime" value="0" /> <j:if test="${xmlval &gt; maxEachOSTime}"> ${xmlval} &gt; ${ maxEachOSTime} <j:set va

Export database schema into XML file

I would like to export whole database schema to XML file. Information there what are needed. tables - columns, data type, pk, fk, views - returned columns, fun

Maven toolchain not getting triggered in build

I'm using the latest maven 3.3.9 which enforces java 8, and trying to compile a project in java 7 using a java 7 maven toolchain. As per: The maven guide I'

How to use different menu in fragment than in activity?

I want to have a menu for my main activity and a menu for a fragment which is contained in the main activity. The main activity menu should be removed and the f

To read Xml file from variable in XML Source in SSIS

I am getting the result in variable through web Service Task as shown in below image, Then I have used XML task to remove the excess namespace and stored the

How to fetch XML with fetch api

I'm trying to making a weather app that displays the weather and the temperature of many days of the week. I'm currently using openweathermap api for such task,

How to fix field doesn't exist error on Odoo

I found a module in Odoo apps that would help a lot, but it was for version 6.1, so i decided to update it for V13.0, i went through all python's problems i thi

How to convert XML columns to rows in SQL database?

I am trying to import an XML invoice to SQL database. After some research, I have managed to put it in SQL database but it has x rows whereas it should be a sin

Merge 'p' element content under the following 'p element' content

It is list content, right now bullet list and item content appearing separately in the output. So I want to merge a <p>, Please look expected output and h

Adding comments to xml documents

Code: from lxml import etree # Create the network XML file tree root = etree.Element('network') tree = etree.ElementTree(root) # Create the nodes data name =

create @colwidth attribute and value in the 'colspec' element

In the @colwidth value are coming same value from tblW/@w:w value, Please help me on this Xml input: <tbl> <tblPr> <tblW w="5000" typ

How to decode XML entities?

To encode a string to XML, the xmerl_lib:export_text function does the job, but which function does the opposite job, i.e. converts &lt; to >? I want to

Get path to all XML's nodes

I have an example XML as follows: <message> <metadata> <msg_id>1</msg_id> <client_type>type1</client_type> <

Need to create @namest and @nameend attributes in the 'entry' element

if we get <gridSpan val="4"/> create the @namest and @nameend attributes in the 'entry' element. NOTE: May be gridSpan element will appear in 3rd entry t

XSLT: How to parse out an element into multiple variables

I am trying to parse out full name out of a single field and store them into different variables so I can use them uniquely as FirstName, MiddleName, LastName.