Category "yolov5"

Using Yolox on an asset image doesn't draw any detection

So I'm trying to learn how to use Yolox for my bachelor thesis, and after hours of installing and updating components, finally managed to run Yolox on a test im

Cuda illegal memory access when running inference on *.engine

After exporting a YoloV5 model to .engine I receive an error when trying to perform inference on it. Loading model.engine for TensorRT inference... [01/16/2022-

Pytorch models deployment to sagemaker

I have trained my yolov5 model, and have, now I need to deploy it using sagemaker, for that I need to create an endpoint. I'm following this tutoriel

I am trying to execute custom yolov5 object detection model. I am facing following error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Bhavesh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\torch\multiprocessing\", line 3

How can I eval my models uding validiation data on darknet?

How can I get a valuation with validiation data on darknet? The reason is that darknet has only train.txt and val.txt, while yolov5 and YOLOX have both val and

how to train dataset with 100 classes using yolov5

I need to train a dataset with 100 classes. Each class has 200 images. Has anyone trained such a large dataset using yolo v5 previously? What GPU have you requi

After exporting yoloV5 model (.pt) to .pb, the .pb variables folder have only 1Kb, I think beacause of this the model cant be used

here one of the converted model is right (not 1Kb) and the other isnt right (1Kb) I used this command to export my model !python --weights /content/dr

YoloV5 Image identification and Tracking -How to Draw a A continuous line connecting the previous point and current point until the object is in frame

I am trying to Detect human objects and balls from video input, I am able to identify both objects and draw a square box around the identified objects, but how

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (80) must match the size of tensor b (56) at non-singleton dimension 3

I ran in YOLOv5-5.0 and it shown me this. How can I fix it? Here is the problem: Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\python_yolov5\yolov5-5.