I'm developing an application that collects information from YouTube via the YouTube APIv3. I'm using yapi package from github. I was working in Python2.7 and i
I am trying to figure out how to obtain the chat messages along with their details using the YouTube data API v3. I am able to obtain chat data while the strea
I'm am fetching playlist's details using Youtube API V3 using API key. I can't find any information about API KEY validity period. I want to make sure I regen
I was trying to make the "try it now" work on the youtube api page in this link: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videoCategories/list#try-it What
Does the API expose the number of total videos in the database to date? I've been trying to compile the number of YouTube videos for a research project. So far,
I try to use the Youtube Data Api V3 with javascript So i have this simple code : <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=googleApiClientR
For several years we have successfully been uploading videos via the YouTube API using some custom JavaScript code. The code was based on some samples provided
I'm writing a Android app to play youtube video by using Youtube API, I have a question how to show the "cast " button in Youtube player, if the API is availabl
I work with the Youtube Iframe API and when I try to use player.loadPlaylist({list: 'PLAYLIST_ID'}); or player.cuePlaylist({list: 'PLAYLIST_ID'}); the methods r
I am developing a web based app that will allow my trusted staff to edit the titles, descriptions, tags, etc of my YouTube channel. In attempting to "Opt In" to
I have to implement a way to upload video from our site to youtube. I already registered the app in Google Cloud and got all the necessary client ID, client sec
We need a video list by channel name of YouTube (using the API). We can get a channel list (only channel name) by using the below API: https://gdata.youtube.c
We need a video list by channel name of YouTube (using the API). We can get a channel list (only channel name) by using the below API: https://gdata.youtube.c
I can't work out how to autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube. I tried adding &autoplay=1 to the url, which worked with the old style,