I want to list all videos of a YouTube channel in Google Sheets and see statistics if possible. How to achieve this with Google Apps Script?
I have five YouTube channels that are all under one user account (one e-mail address). I can switch between them at will within the YouTube mobile app, YT Stud
Many answers about using the Youtube Data API v3 to get the thumbnail of a playlist; and many answers for how to get or set the thumbnail of a video. But none a
I'm trying to call the youtube API to make a playlist on my channel from a chrome extension and I keep getting this error code returned back to me; domain: "you
I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud
I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud
I was using the YouTube Data API v3 to put the current view count in my video title just like in this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxV14h0kFs0 ) and
I am trying to collect the community feed data from a channel for analytics. I couldn't find a way using the YouTube Data API v3. Is there a way to extract such
I am trying to do a personal project related to gathering data from YouTube, and I am having a heck of a time using the API methods that require one to authenti
I need id of video for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIN0tTy-Jmg the id which I need is wIN0tTy-Jmg I know about https://developers.google.com/apis
I need id of video for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIN0tTy-Jmg the id which I need is wIN0tTy-Jmg I know about https://developers.google.com/apis
I am trying to use the youtube-v3-api for a school project. I keep getting the message, "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota."
I want a way to get YouTube shorts for a specific channel from YouTube API. I looked every where and i couldn't find anything. Currently i can get a playlist ID
When manually uploading video however not configuring it, it will become draft. I know Photos are not recommended but for here I show it for illustration. A
I am trying to figure out how to obtain the chat messages along with their details using the YouTube data API v3. I am able to obtain chat data while the strea
I'm am fetching playlist's details using Youtube API V3 using API key. I can't find any information about API KEY validity period. I want to make sure I regen
I need help. I don't found an answer to my question. I tried googling and I tried asking on other sides but I never found an answer. I'm working with the google
I am trying to make a simple python program which uses the Youtube Data API to retrieve results based on Youtube search queries. I have created my OAuth creden
I am trying to upload a video using the youtube data api but for some reason am getting the error down below, the keywords I'm using are: ['ski mask the slump
For several years we have successfully been uploading videos via the YouTube API using some custom JavaScript code. The code was based on some samples provided