Category "youtube-data-api"

How to get information about all videos of a channel to Google Sheets with Google Apps Script

I want to list all videos of a YouTube channel in Google Sheets and see statistics if possible. How to achieve this with Google Apps Script?

Retrieving YouTube API v3 data for all my channels

I have five YouTube channels that are all under one user account (one e-mail address). I can switch between them at will within the YouTube mobile app, YT Stud

Q: set thumbnail of a playlist?

Many answers about using the Youtube Data API v3 to get the thumbnail of a playlist; and many answers for how to get or set the thumbnail of a video. But none a

Youtube API getting "No filter selected" error on chrome extension when trying to call insert

I'm trying to call the youtube API to make a playlist on my channel from a chrome extension and I keep getting this error code returned back to me; domain: "you

Cant use YouTube API daily quota reduced to 0

I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud

Cant use YouTube API daily quota reduced to 0

I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud

YT Data API throws Error 403 for just one video

I was using the YouTube Data API v3 to put the current view count in my video title just like in this video ( ) and

Extract YouTube Channel Community Feed Data

I am trying to collect the community feed data from a channel for analytics. I couldn't find a way using the YouTube Data API v3. Is there a way to extract such

Python using Google YouTube Data API (v3) gives an Oauth2 KeyError: 'client_secret'

I am trying to do a personal project related to gathering data from YouTube, and I am having a heck of a time using the API methods that require one to authenti

Youtube Api, Get video url with given id channel and title of video

I need id of video for example the id which I need is wIN0tTy-Jmg I know about

Youtube Api, Get video url with given id channel and title of video

I need id of video for example the id which I need is wIN0tTy-Jmg I know about

Why am I getting a 403 error in YouTube Data API v3?

I am trying to use the youtube-v3-api for a school project. I keep getting the message, "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota."

how do i get youtube shorts from youtube api data v3

I want a way to get YouTube shorts for a specific channel from YouTube API. I looked every where and i couldn't find anything. Currently i can get a playlist ID

Publishing youtube video from draft in Youtube Data api v3

When manually uploading video however not configuring it, it will become draft. I know Photos are not recommended but for here I show it for illustration. A

Retrieiving YouTube chat data from archived (completed) livestream

I am trying to figure out how to obtain the chat messages along with their details using the YouTube data API v3. I am able to obtain chat data while the strea

How long is the Google API key Valid?

I'm am fetching playlist's details using Youtube API V3 using API key. I can't find any information about API KEY validity period. I want to make sure I regen

Google API: Not a valid origin for the client: url has not been whitelisted for client ID "ID"

I need help. I don't found an answer to my question. I tried googling and I tried asking on other sides but I never found an answer. I'm working with the google

Youtube Data API keeps asking for authorization

I am trying to make a simple python program which uses the Youtube Data API to retrieve results based on Youtube search queries. I have created my OAuth creden

What does the youtube data api classify as invalid keywords?

I am trying to upload a video using the youtube data api but for some reason am getting the error down below, the keywords I'm using are: ['ski mask the slump

‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing when uploading to YouTube API

For several years we have successfully been uploading videos via the YouTube API using some custom JavaScript code. The code was based on some samples provided