Category "zsh"

nest Command not found

I followed the documentation to create my first NestJS project. Installing the Nest CLI with the command npm i -g @nestjs/cli was successful. The output was:

zsh compadd - how to specify argument's description?

With _arguments I can do _arguments {-h,--help}'[Show help]', but how to specify 'Show help' message in compadd parameters? Cannot find that in documentation

How to use zsh vcs_info with double quoted prompt?

this is my .zshrc file . vcs_info working for single quoted prompt but it's not working for double quoted prompt. autoload -Uz vcs_info zstyle ':vcs_info:*' ena

Can't commit to github remote via ssh after installing zsh

I had SSH key paired with my Win10 machine and Github account, and it's was working on Bash, but today I installed ZSH (oh-my-zsh) via WSL, and now when I'm try

Sort list of files in different directories with zsh

Assume I have the following directory/file structure dirA/1fileAA.zsh dirA/99fileAB.zsh dirB/2fileBA.zsh dirB/50fileBB.zsh dirB/subdirA/20fileBAA.zsh which I w

"zsh: command not found: $" // can't install anything on terminal

zsh: command not found: $ Every time I try to install anything or run anything on my terminal I get this message. I am using a MacBook air m1, macOS Monterey. D

Permission Error When Exporting to $JAVA_HOME on MacOS Big Sur

Whenever I try to set my Java Home export JAVA_HOME=$(/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/amazon-corretto-8.jdk/Contents/Home) in my .zshenv or .zshrc files, I ge

Hyper Terminal: zsh: command not found: hyper

I am using hyper terminal. I wrote the following code to change the theme, but it gave the following error. Command to change theme: hyper i verminal zsh: comm

How to create a suffix alias for files without an extension?

I just found about zsh suffix aliases that allow one to associate a program with an extension in the shell: alias -s {md,txt}=nano Is there a way to do somethi

Remove percentage printf and shell

I'm beginning to learn the shell commands. And I don't know how to remove the percent character in the end. Example: printf poo shows poo% I'm on mac and I us

My terminal in VS Code has a tiny font after installing zsh and changing font style

If you look at the VS Code terminal - its too tiny. Here're the user settings that I have modified to create this result. I have searched how to change termina

How to detect array start index by current shells (zsh/bash)?

We all know arrays in Bash are indexed from zero, and in zsh are indexed from one. How can the script know it should use 0 or 1 if I can't ensure the running en

How to detect array start index by current shells (zsh/bash)?

We all know arrays in Bash are indexed from zero, and in zsh are indexed from one. How can the script know it should use 0 or 1 if I can't ensure the running en

IntelliJ not picking up environment variables when using ZSH?

I am using oh-my-zsh for my terminal. I have set IntelliJ to use /bin/zsh as the shell path. However no environment variable in my .zshrc file ever seems to ge

Zsh detects insecure completion-dependent directories

I get the following error messages when I open my terminal, Hyper: [oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion-dependent directories detected: drwxrwxr-x 7 dwaynethe2nd

How to get last command run without using `!!`?

I'm trying to alias _! to sudo the last command, but I'm running into roadblocks. !! doesn't seem to work in my .zshrc file, and sed has given me repeated probl

zsh: bad CPU type in executable: node

I have installed nvm using brew. After that, I installed node version of 16 through nvm and check the current version using node -v to see whether the node is w

oh my zsh showing weird character '?' on terminal

I have installed iTerm2 and Oh-my-zsh. However there is a weird question mark that is coming ever since I have changed ZSH-THEME to "agnoster". Attaching the s

VSCode terminal task not using zsh profile

I'm trying to run a task on window load in VSCode where a terminal opens and nvm use && yarn dev is run by default. However, running this shell tasks se

VSCode terminal task not using zsh profile

I'm trying to run a task on window load in VSCode where a terminal opens and nvm use && yarn dev is run by default. However, running this shell tasks se