'clicker game various images

I am making a ui for clicker game and its supposed to change images on certain values that the price and popularity are at but the images seem to be stacking on each other can anyone help. I also left most of the code out other than this since I am pretty sure everything else is irrelevant.

    price = 1000
    popularity = 10
    def update_ui():
        price_fully_high_meter["value"] = price
        popularity_fully_high_text.config(text="full popularity" + str(popularity))
        popularity_fully_high_meter["value"] = popularity
        price_fully_high_text.config(text="full price" + str(price))
        if price >= 0 and price <= 10000 and popularity >=0 and popularity <20:
            bitcoin_condition.config(text="My value is rockbottom!!")
        elif price >= 11000 and price <= 20000 and popularity >= 25 and popularity <40:
            bitcoin_condition.config(text="i am average right now")
        elif price >= 21000 and price <= 40000 and popularity >= 45 and popularity <60:
            bitcoin_condition.config(text="i am above average right now")
            # update image and label to content
            bitcoin_condition.config(text="I'm content...")


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