' Close Add/Edit forms for jqgrid with afterSubmit function

I am newbie in using jqgrid.

I am using afterSubmit: function to reload the grid for add/edit changes,afterSubmit: function is working fine with updated data. But Add record and Edit forms are not getting closed. I have used this options (closeAfterEdit:true,closeAfterAdd:true) not getting closed. My problem with where exactly use this options confussing.

Without afterSubmit: function both forms are getting closed. Sorry! for my bad english. Please find the bellow navGrid code:

                    beforeRefresh: function(){
                     afterSubmit: function() {
                         return [true,'',false]; // no error and no new rowid
                       afterSubmit: function() {
                       return [true,'']; // no error
                    editParam = {
                         editData:{myparam:function(){return "myval";}},
                         reloadAfterSubmit: true,
                         editCaption:'Edit Record',
                         url:'<%=request.getContextPath()%>/CompanyJqGrid? q=1&action=addData',

Solution 1:[1]

which jqgrid verion are you using. I am using 3.6+, and this works for me

$("#gUserGrid").jqGrid('navGrid','#pagergUserGrid',{add:true,edit:true,del:true,search:true}, //NAVIGATION BAR
            savekey: [true,13], 
            navkeys: [true,38,40],
            width: 500,  

        }, // edit options 
        {   jqModal:true

        }, // add options 
                       reloadAfterSubmit:true}, //del options
        } // search options


Solution 2:[2]

These are the arguments of the navGrid method:

.navGrid('#gridpager',{parameters}, prmEdit, prmAdd, prmDel, prmSearch, prmView);

To close the dialog windows both after edit and after add a row, you sholud add closeAfterEdit:true to the prmEdit, and closeAfterAdd:true to the prmAdd object. Like here:

        beforeRefresh: function(){...}},
        afterSubmit: function() {...}
        afterSubmit: function() {...}

Solution 3:[3]

the correct syntax for afterSubmit is:

afterSubmit : function(response, postdata)
  return [success,message,new_id]

Solution 4:[4]

This resolved the issue for me;

afterSubmit: function (resp, postdata) 
   return [true,"",null];
}, closeAfterEdit: true

Solution 5:[5]

in fact it is very easy to do it , you just need to add one command line like as following code


 $('#jQGridDemo').jqGrid('navGrid', '#jQGridDemoPager',
      edit: true,
      add: false,
      del: false,
      search: false,
    {   //EDIT
       closeOnEscape: true,//Closes the popup on pressing escape key
       closeAfterEdit: true,
       //afterSubmit: function (response, postdata) {
       //  }



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Meenakshi
Solution 2 zbacsi
Solution 3 Yaqoob Al-Shuaibi
Solution 4 Irshad
Solution 5 Willie Cheng