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Email enumeration through login and forgot password functionality

The login and forgotten password functions can be used to enumerate valid email addresses on the application, as they return different messages depending on whe

table apply css for row

I am working on html table where I need to add background color on rows but I don't have any class on the row. I am trying to use nth-child but I am not sure of

Hiding attributes from the url

I am using a CSRF token to authenticate a request. So every request(basically clicking an anchor tag that has a href) will send CSRF token as part of the URL to

Creating a reference to a hash table element

So, I'm trying to create a tree-type variable that I could use for data navigation. I've ran into an issue while trying to use reference variables on hash table

How do I set the value in a command shell for dotnet core

Running dotnet core command dotnet run in a command line I found this You can opt out of telemetry by setting a DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variabl

How to make a UML diagram with a class that has a main method and no fields

I have a class that has a main() method and no fields and also it doesn't have a constructor. This class is just a simple class in a larger project, that I did

bx slider destroy when less than 4 slides

I'm using BX slider on a project and having some trouble with the destroy.slider() method - my client is adding images via a CMS, so there is a variable # of sl

How to use only light mode in aplication? Android Studio

I'm developing a program, but as I have the mobile phone in the dark theme, some textViews have a white letter and don't appear due to the color that is placed

Failed to start SWUpdate deamon on bootup

I am trying to set-up an embedded linux update system with SWUpdate and Hawkbit. I am using Yocto as build system. I am able to create an image with SWUpdate bi