'cucumber-js gherkin: regular expression using custom parameterType

As user of cucumber-js,

given a custom parameter type (eg below),

then I would like to have a feature whose step is defined by a regular expression, but references the custom parameter type.

Example custom parameter type:

  name: "http-method",
  useForSnippets: true,
  regexp: /"(PUT|POST|GET|PATCH|DELETE)"/,
  transformer: method => method.toLowerCase(),

Am I asking too much, or is it possible? I can't find it documented, and can't imagine how it would be implemented.

Solution 1:[1]

  • The regex on the step definition needs to match the regex that you have defined on your defineParameterType.
  • The parameter name on the function that implements your step needs to match the name of your defineParameterType

For example, the following steps

Feature: api request

        Scenario: submit request
            Given I send a "PUT" request to my endpoint
              And I send a "POST" request to my endpoint
              And I send a "GET" request to my endpoint
              And I send a "PATCH" request to my endpoint
              And I send a "DELETE" request to my endpoint

...are implemented by the following step definition

Given(/^I send a "(PUT|POST|GET|PATCH|DELETE)" request to my endpoint$/, async function (httpMethod) {

...and with the following defineParameterType (note that the regex declaration here is simpler than the one that you posted on your question)

  name: "httpMethod",
  useForSnippets: true,
  transformer: method => method.toLowerCase(),

...I get the following output

Feature: api request

  Scenario: submit request
    Given I send a "PUT" request to my endpoint
    And I send a "POST" request to my endpoint
    And I send a "GET" request to my endpoint
    And I send a "PATCH" request to my endpoint
    And I send a "DELETE" request to my endpoint


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Ivson Souza