'Deterministic sort order for window functions

I've a status table and I want to fetch the latest details.

Slno |   ID | Status | date
  1  |   1  | Pass   | 15-06-2015 11:11:00 - this is inserted first
  2  |   1  | Fail   | 15-06-2015 11:11:00 - this is inserted second 
  3  |   2  | Fail   | 15-06-2015 12:11:11 - this is inserted first
  4  |   2  | Pass   | 15-06-2015 12:11:11 - this is inserted second

I use a window function with partition by ID order by date desc to fetch the first value.
Excepted Output :

2  |   1  | Fail   | 15-06-2015 11:11:00 - this is inserted second
4  |   2  | Pass   | 15-06-2015 12:11:11 - this is inserted second

Actual Output :

1  |   1  | Pass   | 15-06-2015 11:11:00 - this is inserted first
3  |   2  | Fail   | 15-06-2015 12:11:11 - this is inserted first

According to [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_Examples_order_by_WF.html], adding a second ORDER BY column to the window function may solve the problem. But I don't have any other column to differentiate the rows!
Is there another approach to solve the issue?

EDIT: I've added slno here for clarity. I don't have slno as such in the table!


with range as (
  select id from status where date between 01-06-2015 and 30-06-2015
), latest as ( 
  select status, id, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY date DESC) row_num
select * from latest where row_num = 1

Solution 1:[1]

If you don't have slno in your table, then you don't have any reliable information which row was inserted first. There is no natural order in a table, the physical order of rows can change any time (with any update, or with VACUUM, etc.)

You could use an unreliable trick: order by the internal ctid.

select *
from  (
   select id, status
        , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id
                             ORDER BY date, ctid) AS row_num
   from   status  -- that's your table name??
   where  date >= '2015-06-01'  -- assuming column is actually a date
   and    date <  '2015-07-01'
  ) sub
where  row_num = 1;

Rows will be in physical order when inserted initially, but that can change any time with any write operation to the table or VACUUM or other events.
This is a measure of last resort and it will break.

  • Your presented query was invalid on several counts: missing column name in 1st CTE, missing table name in 2nd CTE, ...

  • You don't need a CTE for this.

Simpler with DISTINCT ON (considerations for ctid apply the same):

       id, status
FROM   status
WHERE  date >= '2015-06-01'
AND    date <  '2015-07-01'
ORDER  BY id, date, ctid;


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Solution Source
Solution 1