'Disable whole test case in gtest

How can one disable a complete test case in gtest? (all the tests in a test case, not just individual tests)

The formatting proposed in the gtest doc is to organise the tests in the following fashion:


Test(Class1Test, TestA)

Test(Class1Test, TestB)



Test(Class2Test, TestA)

Test(Class2Test, TestB)



and so on...

I know that adding the prefix DISABLED_ to a test will prevent it from running (ex: Test(Class1Test, DISABLED_TestB))

But what if I want to disable all the tests in the test case Class1Test?

This post GoogleTest: How to skip a test? suggest to use gtest filters, but this seems a complicated solution for what I want to do. It gtest filters are indeed the only solution, where should I write a filter that disables a test case?

Solution 1:[1]

Running tests with --gtest_filter=-Class1Test.* should skip all tests in Class1Test test case. This does not seem much complicated.

Solution 2:[2]

  1. You can write this in the main function:

    testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter) = "-Class1Test.*";


  2. If you made your tests in Microsoft Visual Studio you can do this: Open properties of your TestProject and set the line


in the Configuration Properties / Debugging / Command Arguments

  1. You can comment your code using this

    /* your tests */

or this

    #ifdef _0
        your tests

Solution 3:[3]

Gtest documentation answer this question exactly - see extract below (taken from: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/advanced.md)

Temporarily Disabling Tests

If you have a broken test that you cannot fix right away, you can add the DISABLED_ prefix to its name. This will exclude it from execution. This is better than commenting out the code or using #if 0, as disabled tests are still compiled (and thus won't rot).

If you need to disable all tests in a test suite, you can either add DISABLED_ to the front of the name of each test, or alternatively add it to the front of the test suite name.

For example, the following tests won't be run by googletest, even though they will still be compiled:

// Tests that Foo does Abc.
TEST(FooTest, DISABLED_DoesAbc) { ... }

class DISABLED_BarTest : public testing::Test { ... };

// Tests that Bar does Xyz.
TEST_F(DISABLED_BarTest, DoesXyz) { ... }


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 ks1322
Solution 2
Solution 3 schlebe