'Doctrine2 Criteria convert 1 to TRUE

I've got a problem with Criteria from Doctrine2. Iusing Criteria to check a SMALLINT type in PostreSQL like this :

$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("actif", 1));
return $this->c_Agenda->matching($criteria);

But I've got this error :

Invalid input syntax for integer: "t"

I suppose criteria convert 1 in TRUE and PostreSQL dosen't recognize this value. If I change 1 to 0 I've got the same error but with f instead of t.

In PostreSQL, actif type is SMALLINT.

Solution 1:[1]

Try to replace Criteria::expr()->eq("actif", 1) with Criteria::expr()->eq("actif", "1")


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Guillaume Sainthillier