'Does AWS API Gateway private integration with ALB works with ALB https listener

I have a public API gateway with HTTP API I'm trying to forward traffic to an internal ALB with private link. It works well for an HTTP listener but I can't make it work with an HTTPS listener. Is that possible ?

Thank you in advance.

Solution 1:[1]

To create a private integration, you must first create a VPC link. Check this link for creating VPC links

After you’ve created a VPC link, you can set up private integrations that connect to an Application Load Balancer via Network Load Balancer.

So the flow would be like APIgateway -> VPC link -> NLB -> ALB -> target groups

By default, private integration traffic uses the HTTP protocol. You can specify a tlsConfig if you require private integration traffic to use HTTPS.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Bimal Gupta