'dplyr: Replace multiple values based on condition in a selection of columns

I try to conditionally replace multiple values in a data frame.

In the following data set, I want to replace in columns 3:5 all values of 2 by "X" and all values of 3 by "Y", but only for measure == "led"

condition: measure == "led" replace: value "2" by "X" and value "3" by "Y" (in columns 3:5)

dt <- data.table(measure = sample(c('cfl', 'led', 'linear', 'exit'), 20, replace=T),
                 site = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 space = sample(1:4, 20, replace=T),
                 qty = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 qty.exit = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 cf = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T))

Is there a simple dplyr solution for that? Many thanks!

Solution 1:[1]

A dplyr solution:

dt %>%
  mutate(across(3:5, ~ ifelse(measure == "led", stringr::str_replace_all(
    c("2" = "X", "3" = "Y")
  ), .)))


   measure site space qty qty.exit cf
 1:     led    4     1   4        6  3
 2:    exit    4     2   1        4  6
 3:     cfl    1     4   6        2  3
 4:  linear    3     4   1        3  5
 5:     cfl    5     1   6        1  6
 6:    exit    4     3   2        6  4
 7:    exit    5     1   4        2  5
 8:    exit    1     4   3        6  4
 9:  linear    3     1   5        4  1
10:     led    4     1   1        1  1
11:    exit    5     4   3        5  2
12:     cfl    4     2   4        5  5
13:     led    4     X   Y        Y  4

Solution 2:[2]

For the sake of completeness, here is a data.table solution using a look-up table and an update join.

As mentioned in danlooo's comment, all elements of a column must have the same type. So, it is necessary to coerce all numbers to type character before joining.

# create look-up table
lut <- fread(
  "measure, old, new
  led,      2,   X
  led,      3,   Y",
  colClasses = c(old = "character")
# perform coersion and update join for each column
for(col in colnames(dt)[3:5]) {
  set(dt, , col, as.character(dt[[col]]))
  dt[lut, on = c("measure", paste0(col, "==old")), (col) := new][]
    measure site space qty qty.exit cf
 1:     cfl    3     4   4        3  3
 2:     cfl    1     2   3        5  5
 3:     cfl    1     2   6        5  5
 4:     cfl    3     1   5        4  6
 5:     led    4     4   X        6  3
 6:    exit    5     1   6        5  6
 7:     led    5     4   X        4  4
 8:     led    5     X   X        6  5
 9:     cfl    4     4   5        2  1
10:    exit    2     2   1        2  4
11:  linear    4     3   1        1  1
12:    exit    3     4   4        2  1
13:  linear    2     3   5        5  5
14:    exit    1     1   2        6  6
15:     cfl    2     1   1        5  3
16:     cfl    6     2   5        4  1
17:     led    3     X   4        1  2
18:    exit    6     2   4        4  5
19:     led    2     X   1        X  6
20:     led    4     X   Y        X  1


set.seed(42) # required for reproducible data
dt <- data.table(measure = sample(c('cfl', 'led', 'linear', 'exit'), 20, replace=T),
                 site = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 space = sample(1:4, 20, replace=T),
                 qty = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 qty.exit = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T),
                 cf = sample(1:6, 20, replace=T))


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Julian
Solution 2 Uwe