'Embed reaction role collector is not working

I'm running into this issue where the embed reaction role doesn't work. Can someone help me? Its most likely just the collector bit.

let playingMessage = await queue.textChannel.send(playingEmbed)

      await playingMessage.react("⏭");
      await playingMessage.react("⏯");
      await playingMessage.react("🔇");
      await playingMessage.react("🔉");
      await playingMessage.react("🔊");
      await playingMessage.react("🔁");
      await playingMessage.react("⏹");

    } catch (error) {

    const filter = (reaction, user) => user.id === message.author.id;
      filter: ({reaction, user}) => user.id === message.author.id
    var collector = playingMessage.createReactionCollector(filter, {
      time: song.duration > 0 ? song.duration * 1000 : 600000

    collector.on("collect", (reaction, user) => {
      if (!queue) return;
      const member = playingMessage.guild.member(user);

Solution 1:[1]

last i checked in discord.js v13, the filter should be within the curly brackets, not outside of it.

so this line of code:

 var collector = playingMessage.createReactionCollector(filter, {
   time: song.duration > 0 ? song.duration * 1000 : 600000

Should be:

var collector = playingMessage.createReactionCollector({ 
   filter, time: song.duration > 0 ? song.duration * 1000 : 600000 


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Solution Source
Solution 1