'Error in running Pandas Profile report Python
I try to do an exploratory data analysis with the Python package pandas ProfileReport, but I get the following error:
Summarize dataset: 40%|███▉ | 401/1011 [23:02<13:41, 1.35s/it, scatter srch_length_of_stay, prop_log_historical_price]Fail to create pixmap with Tk_GetPixmap in TkImgPhotoInstanceSetSize C:\Users\adswo\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\venv\lib\site-packages\joblib\externals\loky\backend\resource_tracker.py:318: UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 1 leaked folder objects to clean up at shutdown warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d ' C:\Users\adswo\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\venv\lib\site-packages\joblib\externals\loky\backend\resource_tracker.py:333: UserWarning: resource_tracker: C:\Users\adswo\AppData\Local\Temp\joblib_memmapping_folder_3872_bd43f16fad564425a0cb54469e360458_20cddea298074a83bc35cfe5232038ff: FileNotFoundError(2, 'System cannot find path') warnings.warn('resource_tracker: %s: %r' % (name, e))\
What does this error mean and is there a way to solve this? Is it because one (srch_length_of_stay) is an integer,while prop_log_historical_price is a float?
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