'ETH ENS Web3 - How to get Registrant

I've following code snippet to get the "Controller" (The owner of the domain) but I need to get the "Registrant" of provided ENS name

const Web3 = require("web3")
const web3 = new Web3("https://cloudflare-eth.com");
 var ens = web3.eth.ens;

    var names = ['jtimberlake.eth', 'usman.eth'];

    (async () => {
        for (let domainName of names) {
           // console.log('checking: ' + domainName);
            const addr = await getDomain(domainName);

    async function getDomain(word) {
        try {
            const addr = await ens.getAddress(`${word}`)
           // console.log(addr);
            return addr;
        } catch (err) {

Can you please guide how I can get the "Registrant" of provided ENS name e.g. jtimberlake.eth


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