'Extract last 16 character from a sentence in BigQuery

I need to extract last 16 characters from a sentence under a title column of a table using bigquery. My table is like this:


No Commission inc GST - FY20 H2 Rewards Prospecting - SCC_H2_P25_0620

FB/IG - P25 to 55 - Retageting - SCC_H2_P27_0625

I would like to get the output: SCC_H2_P25_0620


Can anyone please assist.

Solution 1:[1]

BigQuery Standard SQL

SUBSTR(title, LENGTH(title) - 15, 15)   

Above extract last 15 chars from title column

WITH test AS (
  SELECT 'No Commission inc GST - FY20 H2 Rewards Prospecting - SCC_H2_P25_0620' title UNION ALL
  SELECT 'FB/IG - P25 to 55 - Retageting - SCC_H2_P27_0625'
SELECT SUBSTR(title, LENGTH(title) - 15, 15)
FROM test


Row f0_  
1   SCC_H2_P25_062   
2   SCC_H2_P27_062   

Solution 2:[2]

Based on Big Query (standard SQL) substring built-in function document, BigQuery Substring section

If position is negative, the function counts from the end of value, with -1 indicating the last character.

Can't you do the following?

SUBSTR(title, -16)

Solution 3:[3]

Not too sure how your full string looks like. If it looks like that

'No Commission inc GST - FY20 H2 Rewards Prospecting - SCC_H2_P25_0620 FB/IG - P25 to 55 - Retageting - SCC_H2_P27_0625'

Then I'd suggest you to use regex:

SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL('No Commission inc GST - FY20 H2 Rewards Prospecting - SCC_H2_P25_0620 FB/IG - P25 to 55 - Retageting - SCC_H2_P27_0625', "- (SCC[^;]*) FB/IG") AS output;

output SCC_H2_P25_0620

Or you can use a SUBSTR function if you know for sure that your string will always be the same length:

SELECT SUBSTR('No Commission inc GST - FY20 H2 Rewards Prospecting - SCC_H2_P25_0620 FB/IG - P25 to 55 - Retageting - SCC_H2_P27_0625', 55, 15) AS output;

output SCC_H2_P25_0620



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Mikhail Berlyant
Solution 2
Solution 3 JohnDilinjer