'Extracting a particular part of Kafka Topic Msg in Python

I am trying to extract the VALUE part from a bunch pf Kafka Topic Msg's in Python. I am trying to subscribe to a Kafka Topic and read the Latest Message and parse it. While trying to split the below Kafka Topic Msg by '=',i get the below error -

AttributeError: 'ConsumerRecord' object has no attribute 'split'

Also the object type of the below string is -

<class 'kafka.consumer.fetcher.ConsumerRecord'>

Sample Kafka Topic Msg -

ConsumerRecord(topic=u'xxxxxxxx', partition=0, offset=55, timestamp=XXXXXXXXXX, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value='{"snapshot":[{"active":"XXXXXXXXXX","buffers":"0","cached":"XXXXXXXXXX","inactive":"313581568","memory_free":"XXXXXXXXXX","memory_total":"XXXXXXXXXX","swap_cached":"0","swap_free":"0","swap_total":"0"}],"action":"snapshot","name":"memory_info","hostIdentifier":"XXXXXXXXXX","calendarTime":"Wed Sep 6 18:54:48 2017 UTC","unixTime":"XXXXXXXXXX","epoch":"0"}', checksum=-XXXXXXXXXX, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=375)

Could someone please guide as to what's the best way to extract the Highlighted (bold) part of the Kafka Topic Msg.

Solution 1:[1]


Just use value attribute of that record.

For example, the following is my Kafka Consumer code.

from kafka import KafkaConsumer

consumer = KafkaConsumer(


for msg in consumer:

In the above code, we have written msg.value in the lastline, which gives the value of the data we want to extract from that ConsumerRecord of Kafka.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 vagdevi k