'Extracting dfs0 from large dfs2 files

I want to extract a dfs0 from a large dfs2 file and try:

from mikeio import Dfs2
dfs = Dfs2(dfs2_filename)
ds = dfs.read()
(k,j) = dfs.find_nearest_element(lon,lat)
ds2 = ds.isel(k).isel(j)

This works fine most of the time, however, for very large dfs2 files I get a memory error. I can reduce memory cost with those options:

ds = dfs.read(items=items,time_steps=time_steps)

However, I am interested in all items and time steps. So my current work around is to take chunks in the time dimension, something like this:

n = dfs.n_timesteps;
dChunk = int(np.ceil(n/nChunks))
for i_ch in range(chunks):
   time_steps = list(range((i_ch*dChunk),np.min([(i_ch+1)*dChunk,n])))
   ds = dfs.read(items=items,time_steps=time_steps)
   (k,j) = dfs.find_nearest_element(lon,lat)
   ds2 = ds.isel(k).isel(j)

I then save the chunks as temporary files, followed by a concat.

What is the better way to do this?

Can I do some form of 'isel' before the 'read'? Similar to the 'element' option of Dfsu:

dfsu.read(items=None, time_steps=None, elements=None)


Solution 1:[1]

Currently, no elements or similar argument exists for Dfs2 read method (like it does for Dfsu). I think the read method should have such an argument, so please suggest this in https://github.com/DHI/mikeio/issues

I think your chunked version is a good way to handle the memory limitation.

Solution 2:[2]

It should be doable for any size dfs2 file using the mikecore python package,

There is an example for extracting dfs0 files from dfsu files, called ExtractDfs0FromDfsu in


If knowing the index of the element(s) in the dfs2 to extract from, that should work very similarly.

That would be a very low-memory approach, only having one dfs2 timestep in memory at the time.

The mike core python package is available from pypi:



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Jesper Sandvig Mariegaard
Solution 2 Jesper Grooss