'Failed to open DWF / DWFX file natively in Forge Viewer

I am using the below code to open the DWF file. File size is more than 20MB.

const options = {
env: 'Local',
useADP: false}
var config3d = {
    extensions: ['Autodesk.Viewing.MarkupsCore'],
    loaderExtensions: { dwf: "Autodesk.MemoryLimited" },        

viewer2D = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.GuiViewer3D(document.getElementById('MyViewerDiv'), config3d);
Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options,async function () {
    viewer2D.loadExtension('Autodesk.DWF').then(() => {


I am stuck in the Translation. Screenshot below: ConsoleError

Any help would be appreciated.

Solution 1:[1]

You can try this simple Forge application that loads a dwf file on the viewer: https://github.com/petrbroz/forge-simple-viewer-nodejs/tree/sample/native-dwf

You can also check out the blog post on Forge support for DWF files: https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/dwf-and-pdf-support-forge-viewer

These samples will guide you on how to implement your application.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 TimmyTim