'Find Polygon Coordinates from Shapefile using Python Geopandas


TypeError: 'LineString' object is not iterable

I am trying to find the bottom right corner of the Polygon in this .shp file. This .shp file is a square but other files may be a rectangle/triangle.

I want to use Geopandas and apparently I can obtain this using the read_file() method. I am quite new to SHPs and I have the .shx, .dpf files however when I enter just the .shp in this method, I am not able to loop through the polygon coordinates.

Here is my code - I want to capture the bottom right corner in a variable, currently all_cords will capture all of them, so I need to find a way to get over this error and then capture the bottom right corner,

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
shapepath = r"FieldAlyticsCanada_WesternSales_AlexOlson_CouttsAgro2022_CouttsAgro_7-29-23.shp"
df = gpd.read_file(shapepath)
g = [i for i in df.geometry]

all_coords = []
for b in g[0].boundary:  # error happens here
    coords = np.dstack(b.coords.xy).tolist()


Solution 1:[1]

You can use much simpler concepts

  • bounds provides tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
  • shapely.ops.nearest_points() can be used to find nearest point to maxx, miny point
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
import pandas as pd

shapepath = (
shapepath = gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres")

df = gpd.read_file(shapepath)

# find point closest to bottom right corner of geometry (minx, maxy)
df["nearest"] = df["geometry"].apply(
    lambda g: shapely.ops.nearest_points(
            g.bounds[2], g.bounds[1]

# visualize outcome...
gdfn = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df["name"], geometry=df["nearest"], crs=df.crs)
m = df.drop(columns=["nearest"]).explore()
gdfn.explore(m=m, color="red")


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Rob Raymond