'Finding bar graph showing the percentages of two different entities in c programming using graphics.h header file from user input
I want to implement this code by finding user input data of male and female percentage of a school. But I found some difficulties finding the calculation of malePercentage variable and femalePercentage variable. I want to show this bar graph from 0 to 100 on the Y-axis showing the appropriate percentage of each of them. How to implement it?
void MaleFemaleGraph()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
int malePercantage, femalePercantage;
printf("Enter male percentage : ");
scanf("%d", &malePercantage); // Taking input of percentage of male from user
printf("Enter female percentage : ");
scanf("%d", &femalePercantage); // // Taking input of percentage of male from user
initgraph(&gd, &gm, " ");
line(50,50,50,420); // X - Axis
line(50,420,600,420); // Y - Axis
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGREEN); // Male bar in Lightgreen color
bar(155, malePercantage, 255, 420); // Male Bar
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,CYAN); // Female Bar in Cyan color
bar(295, femalePercantage, 395, 420); // Female Bar
outtextxy(185,440,"Male"); // Labeling Male bar
outtextxy(320,440,"Female"); // Labeling Female bar
int main()
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