'Force ag-grid floating filter to only accept numbers in input

I'm using ag-grid enterprise and I would like to apply floating filters for all my columns. Sometimes the filter can be alphanumeric but in other cases it should only accept numbers.

I tried to manage this following this example from the ag-grid doc:

const gridOptions = {
    columnDefs: [
            field: 'age',
            filter: 'agNumberColumnFilter',
            filterParams: {
                allowedCharPattern: '\\d\\-\\,', 
                numberParser: text => {
                    return text == null ? null : parseFloat(text.replace(',', '.'));

    // other grid options ...

but it doesn't work... I was wondering if an extra configuration is needed for the allowedCharPattern to work.

This is how a colDef looks like in my project:

                    field: column.fieldName,
                    suppressSizeToFit: false,
                    sortable: true,
                    resizable: true,
                    minWidth: getMinWidth(column.fieldName),
                    width: column.colWidth,
                    filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
                    floatingFilter: true,
                    floatingFilterComponentParams: {
                        suppressFilterButton: true,
                    filterParams: {
                        allowedCharPattern: '\\d\\-\\,',
                        numberParser: (text) => {
                            return text == null
                                ? null
                                : parseFloat(text.replace(',', '.'))

Am I missing something? thanks in advance

Solution 1:[1]

  • Use "agNumberColumnFilter" instead of "agNumberColumnFilter"
  • Please check if you are using latest version of ag grid. It was not working for me on older version. It started working after upgrading to latest version 27.2.0


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Shilpa