'Force an existing user to sign-in with a specific account

Similar to Invoke "Verify it's you" authentication page from a Firebase application use case, but my case differs in that the user is not logged in, but I want to force to log in as an existing user already registered in our app.

Use case: requiring an existing user that's just been invited to join a team to log in as given user (if she's currently logged out), or re-log as given user (if she's currently logged in to different account).

So, given either user_id or email, can I force the popup to preselect given account? We're using https://github.com/firebase/firebaseui-web/, but passing the login_hint, as I understand it, won't help here:

signInOptions: [
        provider: firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
        customParameters: {
            prompt: "select_account",
            login_hint: `[email protected]`,

Even if it did, it would work only for google provider. Ideally, it should work for all providers.


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