'Get images from images folder within pygame

I'm working on a game with pygame and I have the following directory for it: enter image description here

As you can see, I have an images folder in the package.
Now I'm struggling, to get the image with the path "JumpnRun/images/player/jumper-1.png" from within the path "JumpnRun/Player/Player.py".
I tried to get that image using the following code:

self.image:pygame.Surface = pygame.image.load(str(Path("..") / "images" / "player" / "jumper-1.png")).convert_alpha()

But this doesn't seem to work and I get the error "FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory."
Any ideas on that?

Solution 1:[1]

So, to get the image with pygame.image.load function, you should do in this way: carImg = pygame.image.load('image.png').

To find out more, I recommand you to check out this link : https://pythonprogramming.net/displaying-images-pygame/

The code from the link worked for me!

I hope I helped you!

Solution 2:[2]

You should just be able to use pygame.image.load("./../../images/player/jumper-1.png") because the directory .. is reserved for parent directory.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 B. Bogdan
Solution 2 Hyan K Hamid