'Getting all the installed color schemes in Vim

I'm using vim to edit a php. I would like to get all the installed color schemes in Vim. I know that some members have asked this question, but the accepted solutions there did not help.

I tried:

:colorscheme then Space followed by TAB.

No colors shows up when I hit TAB. Should I install something to get the colorscheme work?

Solution 1:[1]

Color schemes are stored under your 'runtimepath' + /colors/*.vim. e.g. The default scheme is store at $VIMRUNTIME/colors/default.vim.

Two ways of getting a list of all colorschemes:

  • :echo globpath(&rtp, 'colors/*.vim')
  • :colorscheme followed by space then ctrl+d

If you are not getting a list of colors then you may want to check if to make sure you don't have a tiny version of vim. You can check this by running :version. You can also run :echo has('eval') to make sure you can run colorschemes.

For more information see:

:h 'runtimepath'
:h :colors
:h globpath(
:h cmdline-completion
:h c_CTRL-D

Solution 2:[2]

I believe you just need to turn the syntax on try: :syntax on

Solution 3:[3]

My system: Debian bullseye (11), vim :version states 8.1
Type this inside vim ..

:colorscheme + desert + Enter sets color scheme to "desert" (for this session/opened-file only)
:colo desert Is just shortcut to colorscheme, my favorite decent one and available on any linux I used so far. Default darkblue, or what it is has comment lines almost unreadably dark. IMHO bad choice of default one.

:colorscheme + Tab cycles through schemes a-z
:colorscheme + Shift-Tab cycles through schemes z-a
:colorscheme + Ctrl-d show all schemes

blue       default    desert     evening    koehler    murphy     peachpuff  shine      torte
darkblue   delek      elflord    industry   morning    pablo      ron        slate      zellner

Alternatively see them as preinstalled files: $ ls –l /usr/share/vim/vim*/colors

To make it more permanent and do not need to set colorscheme in every opened document ('desert' is just selected colorscheme here):
echo "colorscheme desert" >> .vimrc

More color schemes can be found (with examples) on pages like https://vimcolorschemes.com/ and so on GitHub as .vim files. There might be specific installation options per your VIM version, Wiki of the package should help.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Leroy_Brown
Solution 3