'Glympse notification "Smart Device Link" on Android 10

since quite a while I get an annoying notification from Glympse about "Smart Device Link". As I am not aware of using that feature, I would like to get rid of the notification.

My search through google brought up a similar issue with accuweather about 3 years ago. Accuweather seems to have solved the issue via an update. But I cannot find any information about this notification related to Glympse.

One option would be to switch off the notification for Glympse. Unfortunately Glympse only has one setting for the notification. So deactivating that would deactivate all Glympse notifications and not just the one about the Smart Device Link.

Reaching out to Glympse for App related issues does not seem possible. On their community page they point to stackoverflow. And thus I am here.

What are my best options to get rid of the "Smart Device Link" notification?

By the way: I am using a Samsung Note 9 runnung Android 10.

Solution 1:[1]

Same problem. SmartDeviceLink is always looking for a bluetooth connection even when Glympse is not launched, since almost 2 years.

I wrote to Glympse and after 2 months waiting I got an answer : "You can remove SmartDeviceLink trough Ford" No more explanation. I don't have a Ford :(


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Solution Source
Solution 1 mike69290