'Google drive image gives 403 forbidden error

I am using google drive to show images on a website. I'm using the following url to show the images:


It works fine on most occasions, but some users don't see the images and get the following error message:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

The image files and folders on the google drive are shared with everybody with a link to see. The problem does not seem browser related.

Anyone an idea how to fix this? Are there some things I forgot to do (do I need some kind of API key in the link)?

Solution 1:[1]

As of today I have the same issue. (just like a few months back when Google ended the classic sites, which I (mis)used as an image repository.)

After I cleared all cookies from the browser, the images were visible again. So that solved this problem.

If your problem persists, you should change the URL.

This URL gives a 403 err:


Change that to:


For example: setting a favicon in a WebApp:

return template.evaluate()

Solution 2:[2]

I've dealt with this problem working with Ionic Angular, in the lastest versions you should use https://lh3.google.com/u/0/d/{img-ID} as Edso said and it solves the problem. Consider that the images will only load if you have a logged google account, otherwhise the status of the response will be 302 and image will never load.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 LookForAngular