'Google Maps API Timeout Exception

I am trying to get elevation data set along a route using Google maps API python client. When i request for a thousand coordinates, after a certain limit, an exception is raised.

for i in range(1000):
   eljson = gmaps.elevation(list_coordinates[i])

**raise googlemaps.exceptions.Timeout()**

Is it because I'm exceeding usage of 2500 api requests or the rate of requests is high and have to slow down the requests per second ?

Solution 1:[1]

Most probably yes. You can verify it by logging into your account at below link


Solution 2:[2]

I had a similar error, and after following suggestions online, still didn't figure out why that happened (didn't seem like I was blocked, or reached a maximum). for me the problem was that the internet connection was interrupted. Restarting the kernel solved the problem.

Friendly suggestion: if it was not already done, before you restart the kernel, save/export the points you already got, otherwise you'll have to call the api for them again... can sum-up if this is a reoccurring problem...

In fact, this doesnt fully solve the problem as I still get this error:

ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(54, 'Connection reset by peer'))

for this, the following was helpful: Python client error 'Connection reset by peer'

Solution 3:[3]

Between domains you wont have any tx support, which implies no relational integrity. If the question is how to connect Shop.Item with a Member.User as "seller" I would just add a property/field Shop.Item.Seller as a UUID/Guid and leave it to the application layer to "validate" the relationship and handle whenever the referenced Seller does not exist.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Priyank Mehta
Solution 2
Solution 3 Andreas Zita