'googledrive::drive_mv gives error "Parent specified via 'path' is invalid: x Does not exist"
This is a weird one and I am hoping someone can figure it out. I have written a function that uses googlesheets4 and googledrive. One thing I'm trying to do is move a googledrive document (spreadsheet) from the base folder to a specified folder. I had this working perfectly yesterday so I don't know what happened as it just didn't when I came in this morning. The weird thing is that if I step through the function, it works fine. It's just when I run the function all at once that I get the error.
I am using a folder ID instead of a name and using drive_find to get the correct folder ID. I am also using a sheet ID instead of a name. The folder already exists and like I said, it was working yesterday.
outFolder <- 'exact_outFolder_name_without_slashes'
createGoogleSheets <- function(
folder_id <- googledrive::drive_find(n_max = 10, pattern = outFolder)$id
data <- data.frame(Name = c("Sally", "Sue"), Data = c("data1", "data2"))
sheet_id <- NA
nameDate <- NA
tempData <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
nameDate <- data[i, "Name"]
tempData <- data[i, ]
googlesheets4::gs4_create(name = nameDate, sheets = list(sheet1 = tempData)
sheet_id <- googledrive::drive_find(type = "spreadsheet", n_max = 10, pattern = nameDate)$id
googledrive::drive_mv(file = as_id(sheet_id), path = as_id(folder_id))
} end 'for'
} end 'function'
I don't think this will be a reproducible example. The offending code is within the for loop that is within the function and it works fine when I run through it step by step. folder_id is defined within the function but outside of the for loop. sheet_id is within the for loop. When I move folder_id into the for loop, it still doesn't work although I don't know why it would change anything. These are just the things I have tried. I do have the proper authorization for google drive and googlesheets4 by using:
googlesheets4::gs4_auth(token = drive_token())
Error in as_parent()
! Parent specified via path
is invalid:
x Does not exist.
- global createGoogleSheets(inputFile, outPath, addNames)
- googledrive::drive_mv(file = as_id(sheet_id), path = as_id(folder_id))
- googledrive:::as_parent(path)
to see the full context.
Backtrace: x
- -global createGoogleSheets(inputFile, outPath, addNames)
- -googledrive::drive_mv(file = as_id(sheet_id), path = as_id(folder_id))
\-googledrive:::drive_abort(c(invalid_parent, x = "Does not exist."))
\-cli::cli_abort(message = message, ..., .envir = .envir)
\-rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, use_cli_format = TRUE)
I have tried changing the folder_id to the exact path of my google drive W:/My Drive... and got the same error. I should mention I have also tried deleting the folder and re-creating it fresh.
Anybody have any ideas?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Solution 1:[1]
I can't comment because I don't have the reputation yet, but I believe you're missing a parenthesis in your for-loop.
You need that SECOND parenthesis below:
for (i in 1:nrow(tempData) ) {
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Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | Nick Camarda |