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Gitlab CI-CD using Fastlane An error occurred while installing rake (13.0.6), and Bundler cannot continue

I am trying to integrate CI-CD using Fastlane all the lanes are working fine in my personal laptop but when I try to push it on my repo and after the job starts

Emails created with summernote are formatted differently when sent from Firefox and Chrome

I am trying to use summernote to send emails from a text editor. When the email is sent from Firefox, it is correctly formatted and matches the text entered in

What is WordPress hook for after (not before) deleting an image?

I want to do something in WordPress after the media (image) is deleted. There is a hook (delete_attachment) for this purpose but it is before deleting while I w

How to compare two dataframes and extract unmatched rows in pyspark?

Hi I have two dataframes. One is parent dataframe and second is incremental dataframe. I just want to extract those records which is present in incremental data

Prevent session expired in PHP Session for inactive user

I have a problem with my application: my application has many forms and need about 1 hour to finish this form because the form is dynamic (can add other forms).

HTML Form not working on submit button & needs activation

I am a student & i am working on practicing an app for a blog post. Downloaded "clean-blog" template on startbootstrap website. Link attached:https://startb

Shell redirection i/o order

I'm playing with i/o shell redirection. The commands I've tried (in bash): ls -al *.xyz 2>&1 1> files.lst and ls -al *.xyz 1> files.lst 2>&a

How to change Promise constructor in Node.js project running locally?

This might sound strange, but I would like to alter my local Node.js version and modify the Promise implementation to add a new source instance property. global

iostream like networking in C++?

is it possible in C++ to do stream like networking? Something like: sstream<""> google; sstream<socket_data> data; google << "