'How do I access variables outside a scope inside it?

So here's my code, I'm trying to access the anum and articleHTML inside the page.evaulate scope. It says anum and articleHTML is not defined

const num = context.params.event.content.split(' ').slice(1).join(' ')
let an = parseInt(num)
let anum = an - 1
let articleHTML = an + 1

let website = 'https://newkrunktimes.github.io/'

let browser = await puppeteer.launch();
let page = await browser.newPage()

await page.goto(website, {waitUntil: 'networkidle2'})

let data = await page.evaluate(() => {  

  articleTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("post-title h4 font-weight-bold")[anum].innerText
  author = document.getElementsByClassName("post-supertitle")[anum].innerText
  aImage = document.getElementsByClassName("img-fluid")[anum].currentSrc
  aDesc = document.getElementsByClassName("post-content font-weight-light")[anum].innerText
  artLink = document.querySelector(`a[class="ytlink"][target="_blank"][href="articles/article${articleHTML}.html"]`).href
  return {

Solution 1:[1]

the reason behind this is that whatever is inside page.evaluate() run in the browser's context which is not the context of where anum and articleHTML are defined (the node.js context).

I think you'll find the answer here: How can I pass variable into an evaluate function?


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 jongler-dev