'How do I add my Stack Overflow reputation as a live badge on GitHub?
I am trying to add my Stack Overflow reputation as a live badge on my GitHub profile README.
First, I would need to somehow get my account information from Stack Overflow using some API. Next, I would need to extract the reputation and then pass it to another API which creates badges in Markdown.
Now, I have done some research and it seems like I am able to use the Stack Exchange API to attain my Stack Overflow account information in JSON format via an endpoint URL. Furthermore, Shield.io's API will allow me to create badges from an endpoint URL which is perfect. However, Shields.io requires the endpoint to be in a specific JSON format.
So now to solve the puzzle, I need a third API which would be able to read and parse the JSON from the Stack Exchange API and then host an endpoint URL in the JSON format needed. RunKit's API seems to be able to do just that.
An example of what I am trying to achieve (but instead of commits it is my Stack Overflow reputation):
Solution 1:[1]
First using stack exchange's user api here, you are able to attain your stack overflow account information in JSON format via an endpoint url. All you have to do is to specify your stack overflow user id in the id field and click run to generate the endpoint path. You can attain your stack overflow user id by clicking on your profile picture, it will then appear in the search bar.
Append the path generated to https://api.stackexchange.com to form the endpoint url.
My stack exchange endpoint url: https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/9133459?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=stackoverflow
Now that we have our stack overflow information in JSON format, we can proceed to parse it and create a new endpoint which meets shields requirements. To do that you would have to create an account with RunKit. Publish this piece of code on RunKit and make sure the node version is v4.9.1 (replace the url in the code with your own endpoint url generated previously):
// variables
var endpoint = require("@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0");
var fetch = require("node-fetch");
var url = "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/9133459?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=stackoverflow";
let settings = { method: "Get" };
// main function
endpoint(module.exports, async function()
try {
await fetch(url, settings)
.then(res => res.json())
.then((json) => {
reputation = json["items"][0].reputation;
if (reputation >= 1000) {
reputation = reputation / 1000;
reputation = Math.floor(reputation * 10) / 10;
// if first decimal place is 0
if ((reputation * 10) % 10 == 0) {
// round to int
reputation = Math.round(reputation);
reputation = reputation.toString();
reputation += "K";
} catch(e) {
return {
"schemaVersion": 1,
"message": "API ERROR",
"color": "FF0000",
"labelColor": "black",
"style": "for-the-badge"
return {
"schemaVersion": 1,
"message": reputation,
"color": "FE7A16",
"labelColor": "black",
"style": "for-the-badge"
After publishing, click on the endpoint hyperlink at the top of the RunKit page to view the endpoint url which you are going to pass to shields in order to create the badge.
Here is my runkit endpoint url: https://stack-overflow-reputation-ciqil1ej93hq.runkit.sh
Now, all that is left is to go to shields.io's JSON endpoint badge page here and paste the url as such:
Besides copying the badge url option, you are also given the option to copy the markdown version, copy it and paste it in your GitHub profile README.
Markdown Outcome:
Note: You can change the design of the badge by changing the JSON return statements in the RunKit code or overriding what you want to change in the JSON endpoint badge page. The attributes you can change are listed on the same page.
Solution 2:[2]
Another easy solution is to use the flair feature that's built into Stack Exchange:
Click on "Flair" in the sidebar:
Copy the HTML shown on that page and paste it into your
By default, flair images look like this:
There are options on the flair page for changing the theme as well as showing data from just one site (e.g. Stack Overflow) or including reputation from all Stack Exchange sites where you have over 200 points.
Solution 3:[3]
This is not working anymore... Other solution, First using stack exchange's user API here, All you have to do is to specify your stack overflow user id in the id field and click run to generate the endpoint path. You can attain your stack overflow user id by clicking on your profile picture, it will then appear in the search bar.
Now, go to shields.io chat badge here and paste your url in the query section
in the query section you have to paste only the part that is after users/ eg:
This is a complete url:
you only need this part:
So that way you can get your badged working properly.
Solution 4:[4]
To get StackOverflow reputation as a live badge, just replace my user user id and name with yours!!
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/10249156/wasitshafi" target="_blank">
<img alt="StackOverflow"
src="https://stackoverflow-badge.vercel.app/?userID=10249156" />
Solution 5:[5]
@Chris' solution is the only one that seems to work at the time of answering to this. Given that, if the Flair you get from the StackOverflow Flair section doesn't seem all that good you can set the reputation manually as follows,
<!-- Add your profile URL below-->
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/10883380/visal-rajapakse">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Stack%20Overflow-802-F47F24">
<!-- ^ Change this to your reputation -->
The above will look like:
Solution 6:[6]
https://github.com/lowlighter/metrics can generate an SVG which can include a SO widget, and the SVG can be included in a GitHub profile README.md. It has several styles and the SO plugin has several configuration options, but nothing approaches a shield layout.
Luckily it can generate a lot of other formats, including raw JSON that could be used by other tools to render a shield layout.
To create a shield, we can use its markdown format, and supply a template markdown file.
Incorporating @Visal-rajapakse's answer, I use the following markdown in my TEMPLATE.md
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/{{ plugins.stackoverflow.user.id }}">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Reputation-{{ plugins.stackoverflow.user.reputation }}-F47F24?logo=stackoverflow&style=flat-square" alt="StackOverflow">
To activate this, create a GitHub Action in your "special" username repo to run lowlighters' metrics tool on that template to generate the README.md
Here is my GitHub action. Substitute 'jayvdb' and '5037965' with your Github username and SO userid:
name: Metrics
# Schedule updates (once per day)
schedule: [{cron: "0 1 * * *"}]
# Lines below let you run workflow manually and on each commit (optional)
push: {branches: ["master", "main"]}
name: Generate README
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Update README.md
uses: lowlighter/metrics@main
# Common config
user: jayvdb
token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
output_action: skip-if-only-metadata-changed
committer_branch: main
committer_message: Update ${filename} - [GitHub Action]
config_timezone: Etc/UTC
# Input file
markdown: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jayvdb/jayvdb/main/TEMPLATE.md
# Output file
template: markdown
filename: README.md
config_output: markdown
plugin_stackoverflow: yes
plugin_stackoverflow_user: 5037965
plugin_stackoverflow_sections: answers-top, answers-recent
plugin_stackoverflow_limit: 3
plugin_stackoverflow_lines: 0
If you only want a SO widget, there are a few other readme widgets/generators with various builtin layouts, but none of them currently support a shield layout. They are easier to use, and the authors may be willing to adding a shield layout.
- https://github.com/omidnikrah/github-readme-stackoverflow provides two layouts currently, and I've added an issue to add a shield layout.
- https://github.com/johannchopin/stackoverflow-readme-profile provides two layouts.
- https://github.com/harish-sethuraman/readme-components/blob/master/docs/stackoverflowCard.md (this one is like the SO 'Flair', but has a much nicer UX)
Solution 7:[7]
There is https://shields.io/
Unfortunately is not working.
So I forked and cloned the shield repository. When I ran locally it worked. So this means that the StackOverflow API probably has quota or is blacklisting the shield IO ip address.
What you can do is to fork this project and host it yourself (you can use something like heroku).
Solution 8:[8]
For me Shields.io's StackExchange reputation endpoint is working fine. Here is an example: It breaks sometimes. Probable Reason.

<!-- hyperlinked with alt text and title: -->
[](https://stackoverflow.com/users/<user_id> "<user_name>'s Stack Overflow Reputation")
Put whatever you want in place of <user_name>
, but replace <user_id>
in above with your StackOverflow user ID. You can get it by visiting your profile and checking the profile URL. It is of the form: https://stackoverflow.com/users/<user_id>/<user_name>
You can customize the colors/text/logo in the above badge if you wish.
This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 | Chris |
Solution 3 | |
Solution 4 | WasitShafi |
Solution 5 | Visal Rajapakse |
Solution 6 | |
Solution 7 | Franco Pan |
Solution 8 |