'How do i set two images in in same line at hexo blog?

I just build a blog for myself, build up by hexo and next.
Today i have known how to set one picture by this :

![image description](img's url)

But by this way i cant put two images on same line.It loos like this:
And this is what i want
image1 image2
I have checked disable fancybox and tried to use this (just write them at the same line):

![image description](img's url)![image description](img's url)

They are both no effect.

Solution 1:[1]

I didn't notice that it's the solution of NEXT theme,so I cannot guarantee the answer is still valid.

Original answer:

I also tried to do that before,but failed many times. Eventually I got the answer in Official Reference Document.

To be brief,use the format below to insert your imgs.

{% gp [number]-[layout] %}
![image description](img's url)
![image description](img's url)
{% endgp %}
  1. [number] is the amount of your imgs.

  2. [layout] is the index of the designed layout. (you can see specific layouts in the Document)

P.S. The Document recommends enabling the "fancybox" plugin,which I did. So I am not sure whether it would operate normally without enabling fancybox.Please notice!

For example,you can get:

"image1 image2" (you mentioned in your question)

by using the code below:

{% gp 2-2 %}
![image description](img's url)
![image description](img's url)
{% endgp %}

Hope my answer would be helpful! I kown it's really a struggle to grope alone. :)))


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1