'How to add a DataFrame to MultiIndex DataFrame columns?

import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import numpy as np
Tickers_Data = yf.download(tickers, period='5y') 
Ret_Log = np.log(Tickers_Data['Adj Close'] / Tickers_Data['Adj Close'].shift(1))
Ret_Cumulative = Ret_Log.cumsum().apply(np.exp)
Ret_Absolute = Tickers_Data['Adj Close'].pct_change()
MA50 = Tickers_Data['Open'].rolling(50).mean()
MA200 = Tickers_Data['Open'].rolling(200).mean()

I want to add Ret_Log, Ret_Cumulative, Ret_Absolute, MA50, MA200 at the end of my MultiIndex DataFrame Tickers_Data. If I run for loop (added at the end of code) I get the expected output but I need to achieve this without a for loop.

Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If I use the code below, I get the expected output but I need to achieve this without a for loop

for i in range(len(tickers)):  
    tickers_data['MA50',tickers[i]] = tickers_data['Open'][tickers.index[i]].rolling(50).mean()  
for i in range(len(tickers)):  
    tickers_data['MA200',tickers[i]] = tickers_data['Open'][tickers.index[i]].rolling(200).mean()  


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