'How to add OAuth 2.0 authentication with smtp to send email using javascript?
I need to add oauth 2.0 security in my existing email submission form. There are some other methods that I found online but as I am using smtp, I just want to add the necessary code and tokens. But don't know how to code it right.
function sendmail()
var name = $('#name').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var subject = $('#subject').val();
var message = $('#message').val();
// var body = $('#body').val();
var Body='name: '+name+'<br>email: '+email+'<br>subject: '+subject+'<br>message: '+message;
//console.log(name, phone, email, message);
SecureToken : "",
To : '',
From : '',
Subject: "New message on contact from "+name,
Body: Body
message =>{
//console.log (message);
alert('E-mail has been sent successfully. Thank you ...');
console.error (message);
alert('Error at sending message ...')
Currently only this much javascript code is sending email using smtp protocol. But gmail is disabling access for less secure app. So what do I need to add to include oauth 2.0?
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