'how to add (.PNG) image in (.docx) created file

from pathlib import Path
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
import datetime
import PySimpleGUI as sg

document_path = Path(__file__).parent / "Simple_file_location.docx" 

# add your template here

doc = DocxTemplate(document_path)
today = datetime.datetime.today()
layout = [[sg.Text("Assembly"), sg.Input(key="ASSEMBLY")],
          [sg.Text("ArtikelNr"), sg.Input(key="ARTIKELNR")],
          [sg.Text("Customer"), sg.Input(key="CUSTOMER")],
          [sg.Text("Reference"), sg.Input(key="REFERENCE")],
          [sg.Text("OrderNr"), sg.Input(key="ORDERNR")],
          [sg.Text("elspec serial no."), sg.Input(key="ELSPECSERIALNR")],
          [sg.Text("umgebungsTemp"), sg.Input(key="UMGEBUNGSTMP")],
          [sg.Text("validator name"), sg.Input(key="VALIDATORNAME")],
          [sg.Button("Vorlage erstellen"), sg.Exit()], ]

window = sg.Window("Druck Vorlage ", layout, element_justification="right")

while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "Exit":

    if event == "Vorlage erstellen":
        values["TODAY"] = today.strftime("%d.%m-%Y")
        doc.save(Path(__file__).parent / "generated_wordTemp.docx") 


I am trying to add a png file in this word document. The .png file is stored in the same directory.


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Source: Stack Overflow

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