'How to assign ROLES in _user DB for Cloudant
How do I add Roles to users in the Cloudant user database?(_users) I have not been able to sort this out using Google or Cloudant Docs. I see some mention of a Cloudant _user db and have not found how to use it.
I have built an API with nodejs and express. with
const { CloudantV1 } = require('@ibm-cloud/cloudant');
const { BasicAuthenticator } = require('ibm-cloud-sdk-core');
I am able to create ApiKeys and assign roles with service.putCloudantSecurityConfiguration().
result of service.getSecurity() below:
cloudant: {
'apikey-01beebbe10ae46ad9e86cc16a2937939': [ '_replicator', '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-3044abd26f324792a8be5809a5521400': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-8d98aa26f1d246f6b736f313bd45d630': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-231cdadcf38945e9ab48125adddc0fdb': [],
'apikey-7ec3ebdd9c5b4aa691685fae251a255d': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-061e3a0ae05d486583dda500ee6685f6': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-0324472243bd4c0da6ea6e9022e102c8': [ '_writer', '_reader' ]
When I look at the service.getSessionInformation(); result, I see:
"result": {
"userCtx": {
"roles": [],
"name": "apikey-01beebbe10ae46ad9e86cc16a2937939"
"ok": true,
"info": {
"authentication_handlers": [
"authenticated": "default",
"authentication_db": "bm-cc-us-south-18/users"
Roles array empty!
I want to use these new apikey credentials with Pouchdb as in:
).on('complete', function () {
// yay, we're done!
}).on('error', function (err) {
// boo, something went wrong!
I get error:
message: "You are not authorized to access this db."
Thanks for your help.
Solution 1:[1]
Glenn's answer is good, for my case there are extra user objects. This was after month of back and forth with Cloudant Help. I needed to delete the extra user objects in the response from "service.getSecurity({"
delete response.result.cloudant['nobody'];
delete response.result['members'];
The only object that I need is the "cloudant"
Solution 2:[2]
Cloudant, as you have discovered, allows you to create api-key/password pairs that have access to one or more databases. You can set the permissions for each API Key against each database, as you have done already.
The GET /session
endpoint (which you are accessing with the service.getSessionInformation()
JavaScript function) doesn't return the API key's permissions in the roles
array, but don't be put off - your API key does have the permissions you defined in the first step, so you should be able to read/write/query data as normal with that API key.
Note that this authentication mechanism is separate to the CouchDB-style _users
e.g with PouchDB
const PouchDB = require('pouchdb')
const db = new PouchDB('test')
const username = 'apikey-somevalue'
const password = 'somepassword'
const hostname = 'myhost.cloudant.com'
const dbname = 'pouch'
const remoteDB = `https://${username}:${password}@${hostname}/${dbname}`
db.sync(remoteDB).on('complete', async function () {
const docs = await db.allDocs()
}).on('error', function (err) {
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | Morgan Hayes |
Solution 2 |