'How to center align text horizontally?

I am creating a text in ImGui. It automatically aligns right, how do I make just that one text align in the center?

ImGui::Text("Example Text");

I don't believe there is a function to do this. I know you can do it for a box or widget, but how would I for a simple text?

Solution 1:[1]

void TextCentered(std::string text) {
    auto windowWidth = ImGui::GetWindowSize().x;
    auto textWidth   = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str()).x;

    ImGui::SetCursorPosX((windowWidth - textWidth) * 0.5f);

Solution 2:[2]

Just want to add a solution for multi-line text to save 5 minutes for someone.

void TextCentered(std::string text) {
    float win_width = ImGui::GetWindowSize().x;
    float text_width = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str()).x;

    // calculate the indentation that centers the text on one line, relative
    // to window left, regardless of the `ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding` value
    float text_indentation = (win_width - text_width) * 0.5f;

    // if text is too long to be drawn on one line, `text_indentation` can
    // become too small or even negative, so we check a minimum indentation
    float min_indentation = 20.0f;
    if (text_indentation <= min_indentation) {
        text_indentation = min_indentation;

    ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(win_width - text_indentation);

Solution 3:[3]

This comment on a similar GitHub issue could help, haven't tried it myself though:

void TextCenter(std::string text) {
    float font_size = ImGui::GetFontSize() * text.size() / 2;
        ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 -
        font_size + (font_size / 2)


Solution 4:[4]

Well more performant way without std::string

void TextCenter(const char* text, ...) {
    va_list vaList = nullptr;
    va_start(vaList, &text, );

    float font_size = ImGui::GetFontSize() * strlen(text) / 2;
        ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 -
        font_size + (font_size / 2)

    ImGui::TextV(text, vaList);


Solution 5:[5]

In short:

void DrawTextCentered(const char* text)
    ImGui::SetCursorPosX( (ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - ImGui::CalcTextSize(text).x) / 2.f);


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 neo-mashiro
Solution 3 schnaader
Solution 4 Hendrik A.
Solution 5 NullifiedVlad