'How to change specific column to rows without changing the other columns in pandas?

I have dataframe like this:

  Date       ID     Age      Gender        Fruits
  1.1.19     1      50         F            Apple
  2.1.19     1      50         F            Mango
  2.1.19     1      50         F            Orange
  1.1.19     2      75         M            Grapes
  4.1.19     3      20         M            Apple
  4.1.19     3      20         M            Grapes

I want to convert the Fruit column into further columns which gives binary info yes/no for each person. Desired output would be like this. And the missing date should be NaN.

Date          ID     Age      Gender        Apple    Mango      Orange    Grapes 
1.1.19         1      50         F            1        0           0         0
1.1.19         2      75         M            0        0           0         1
2.1.19         1      50         F            0        1           1         0 
3.1.19         NaN    NaN        NaN          NaN     NaN        NaN       NaN
4.1.19         3      20         M            1        0           0         1

I was thinking to use groupby but i dont need any aggregation.

Solution 1:[1]

pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['Fruits'], prefix='', prefix_sep='')


pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['Fruits'], prefix='', prefix_sep='').groupby('Date').max()


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Solution 1