'How to disable Kwallet in kde plasma 5?

In KDE4 that was quite simple. There was a Kwallet section in System Settings. I've tried to remove kwallet package, but plasma depends on it.

Solution 1:[1]

To disable the KDE wallet:

  1. (1) go to the KDE menu.
  2. (2) Type wallet, this will show KWalletManager.
  3. (3) Goto settings.
  4. (4) Uncheck "kwallet system active".

This will disable the kwallet subsystem.

Solution 2:[2]

As far as I know, there is no Kwallet section in System Settings. There should be a kwallet service in the taskbar, but I could not find one. Furthermore, I was not able to remove or disable Kwallet entirely. However, I was able to stop the nagging. Here's what I did:

  • Remove or rename the following files: .config/kwalletrc, .kde4/share/apps/kwallet/* and .kde4/share/config/kwalletrc.
  • If you are logged into Plasma, log out.
  • Log back in. Kwallet will try to nag you to set a password.
  • Enter an empty password and ignore the warning that empty passwords are unsafe.

When this wizard has been finished, Kwallet should not be bothering you anymore.

Another note: this workaround is for Plasma 5.X versions up to 5.2. I am not sure about 5.3 and beyond.

Solution 3:[3]

You could also edit file ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc: adding to [Wallet] section just one line


would disable kwallet popups.

If you have ~/.config/kwalletrc file, do the same with it.

Solution 4:[4]

Sorry about my english..

I am new user of arch. I use the archlinux plus p?asma graphical interface (KDE5). I ran a bit behind solving this and in several answers I was given the instruction to access some configuration areas which do not exist here in the interface I am using. Searching for something on the internet, I found a solution that worked for me, I do not know if it is the ideal (most experienced users, please, say!), But worked well and consists of the following:

Open kolsole and type:

$ Sudo nano /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kwalletd.service

And comment the line:

Exec = / usr / bin / kwalletd

It's to stay like this:

#Exec = / usr / bin / kwalletd

Save and close the file. After that, still on the console, type:

$ Sudo nano /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kwalletd5.service

And comment the line:

Exec = / usr / bin / kwalletd5

It's to stay like this:

#Exec = / usr / bin / kwalletd5

Save and close the file. Restart the system. And ready.

I do not know if it is the most elegant solution, but it solved for me ...


Solution 5:[5]

in kde plasma 5, kwallet is a dbus service you may go to /usr/share/dbus-1/services (may be distribution dependant) directory and rename org.kde.kwalletd5.service with org.kde.kwalletd5.service.disabled

=> once rebooted, the service will not start

But be aware that if you upgrade your system, that file may be reinstalled...

Solution 6:[6]

You can create or edit ~/.config/kwalletrc with the following content:


This has the advantage of not requiring to install kwalletmanager just to disable it.

Solution 7:[7]

When this trollware pops up, click advanced setup (first checkbox on a bottom of a 'wizard' ) and uncheck every check-box. That will make this idiocy (Kwallet) go away.

Solution 8:[8]

I am running kubuntu 16.04 and my solution consist in going to system settings, go to account details, and there you should find the kde wallet section above the account manager one. Uncheck wallet system active as mentioned before and click on apply and then you're done.as yyou can see in the picture just a matter of a uncheck

Solution 9:[9]

With KDE4 the previous way to disable kwallet was to do it in KDE menu. This has since been depreciated with KDE5/Plasama 5. This solution worked for but may differ by operating system.

  1. cd into ~/.config
  2. nano kwalletrc
  3. you should see [Wallet] underneath it add Enable=false
  4. save and reboot

This should have disabled KDE wallet.

Solution 10:[10]

I'm running KDE Plasma 5.18.8 and there's the option to disable the wallet in the system settings, but it has no effect.

The solution for me was to run the KWalletManager and select File -> Delete Password Storage.

I must've accidentally created one and since then it bothered me endlessly with password prompts.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Glenn Teitelbaum
Solution 2 derjoachim
Solution 3
Solution 4 Luiz Bet
Solution 5 sancelot
Solution 6 Archange
Solution 7 vitaly goji
Solution 8 Ellie
Solution 9 happy4pizza
Solution 10 Torsten