'How to find AR,MA,ARIMA.ARMA,SARIMA,SARMA of a time series data in r

export1 <- read_excel("C:/Users/Hazeeb/OneDrive/Desktop/data/export1.xlsx")


#> [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
#> export1t=ts(export1$`CURRENT TOTAL EXPORT`, frequency = 12, start = c(2007, 1),end = c(2019,12))
#> export1t
#>         Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep
#> 2007  21.97  52.46  53.69  67.32  58.01  53.44  78.83  41.49  37.05
#> 2008  60.26  73.61  51.58  52.95  51.85  86.90  27.57  72.81  42.29
#> 2009  32.80  49.09  53.57  84.30  50.06  46.05  44.04  38.87  47.03
#> 2010  30.46  54.54  48.64  56.41  32.14  48.26  36.17  41.42  39.25
#> 2011  50.17  32.29  45.84  38.02  59.10  46.73  65.44  42.21  64.97
#> 2012  39.99  47.38  77.35  37.34  57.62  46.82  37.32  38.87  75.89
#> 2013  42.36  32.51  88.73  78.91  42.73  55.51  53.42  49.05  82.50
#> 2014 789.81 115.17  39.49  38.70  46.60  33.98  46.87  44.69 406.71
#> 2015  50.74  38.98  41.21  69.58  49.10  46.40  49.03  61.16  91.44
#> 2016  48.08  41.32  50.20  86.05  45.18  60.36  64.85  60.35 187.72
#> 2017 136.71 121.77 152.54 109.91  83.52 120.64 131.19  59.21 110.85
#> 2018 104.66  88.19  98.40  86.78  61.65  61.22  96.28  70.20 107.98
#> 2019  93.99  78.26  57.61  72.30  89.50 138.46  99.57  71.32  81.77
#>         Oct    Nov    Dec
#> 2007  74.55  41.66  32.44
#> 2008 145.88 132.63 136.22
#> 2009  49.55  36.44  43.18
#> 2010  42.14  32.13  46.10
#> 2011  59.12  57.85  67.52
#> 2012  72.72  58.14  37.51
#> 2013  72.06 601.60  43.00
#> 2014  61.96  67.01  54.34
#> 2015  82.08  89.70  71.91
#> 2016 227.43 106.45 100.47
#> 2017 134.85 145.95 118.22
#> 2018 139.42 117.76  99.14
#> 2019 136.79 146.66 197.65
#> [1] "ts"
plot(export1t,xlab="YEAR",ylab="CURRENT TOTAL EXPORT")
#> Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
plot.ts(export1t,xlab="YEAR",ylab="CURRENT TOTAL EXPORT")
#> Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
#> Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
#> Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large

Solution 1:[1]

Your syntax isn't quite right here. When using ts, you should set a frequency (here 12, to represent months). Then, the start argument needs two integers - the starting year and starting month.

You are trying to pass the first item of DATE to start, but a) that's not the type of argument start takes, b) you didn't have quotes around the character string, and c) even if you did, this is not a date format recognised by R.

You need only do:

ts(export1$`CURRENT TOTAL EXPORT`, frequency = 12, start = c(2007, 1))
#>       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct
#> 2007 22.0 52.5 53.7 67.3 58.0 53.4 78.8 41.5 37.0 74.6


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Source: Stack Overflow

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Solution 1