'How to fix " TypeError: post_details() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug' "

I'm creating my blog with django, and trying to make posts urls in slug way, after I created the models and called it in views it showed me this error: [TypeError at /posts/post/why-i-love-python-django/,

  post_details() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug']

I tried to change "id" in [posts/views.py line:102] and made it "slug", also edited it in [line:104]

in [posts/view.py line: 102]:

def post_details(request, id):
   post_list = Post.objects.active()
   post = get_object_or_404(Post, id=id)
   if post.publish > timezone.now().date() or post.draft:
        if not request.user.is_authenticated or not request.user.is_superuser:
             raise Http404

    share_string = quote_plus(post.content)

    initial_data = {
        "content_type": post.get_content_type,
        "object_id": post.id,

    # post read time 
    read_time = get_read_time(post.content)
    # print(type(read_time))

    form = CommentForm(request.POST or None, initial=initial_data)

   if form.is_valid():
        c_type = form.cleaned_data.get('content_type')
        content_type = ContentType.objects.get(model=c_type)
        obj_id = form.cleaned_data.get('object_id')
        content_data = form.cleaned_data.get('content')
        parent_obj = None
            parent_id = int(request.POST.get('parent_id'))
            parent_id = None
        if parent_id:
            parent_qs = Comment.objects.filter(id=parent_id)
            if parent_qs.exists() and parent_qs.count() == 1:
                 parent_obj = parent_qs.first()
        new_comment, created = Comment.objects.get_or_create(
            user = request.user,
            content_type = content_type,
            object_id = obj_id,
            content = content_data,
            parent = parent_obj,
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_comment.content_object.get_absolute_url())

     comments = post.comments # Comment.objects.filter_by_instance(post)  # without @property

     context = {
        'post': post,
        'share_string': share_string,
        'comments': comments,
        'comment_form': form,
        'read_time': read_time,
    return render(request, 'post.html', context=context)

I expected the post slug to be created and added to the urls correctly

Solution 1:[1]

Your post_details function takes request (which all Django views should take) and id parameters, but in urls.py you are extracting parameter named slug. Your function should take that param instead of id.

Solution 2:[2]

Solution: this problem solved by editing the [post.html] at line:53

<!-- path: {% url 'posts:post' id=post.id %} <br>  -->

and make it an acceptable "django comment" like : {# #} because server can't render html comments, so I edited to be like this:

{# path: {% url 'posts:post' id=post.id %} #}<!-- <br> -->


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 GwynBleidD
Solution 2 Belal Abdulnasser