'How to get Call Status(Connected, Busy, No answered & Ringing) from Amazon Connect Streams API?

I am using Amazon Connect Streams API [https://github.com/amazon-connect/amazon-connect-streams/blob/master/Documentation.md] and we have different call status in Amazon Connect e.g. call connected, call missed/no answered!

how can i get call status of the following call dispositions (busy, connected, in progress, ringing, no answered) from within Streams API?

I am using

function subscribeToContactEvents(contact) {
console.log("Subscribing to events for contact");

function handleOnMissed(contact){
    console.log("[contact.onMissed] Call is Missed. Contact status is " + contact.getStatus().type);

function handleOnConnected(contact) {
    console.log("[contact.onConnected] Call is ACW. Contact status is " + contact.getStatus().type);

function handleOnEnded(contact) {
console.log("[contact.onEnded] Call has ended. Contact status is " + contact.getStatus().type);

Solution 1:[1]

There are two steps to this, first you need to subscribe to agent events then you trigger based on things happening to the agent. So for example...

connect.agent(async function (agent) {
    agent.onStateChange(function (agentState){
        console.log("Agent State Changed to: " + agentState.newState);

You can do similar subscribing to contact events.

connect.contact(function (contact) {
    activeContact = contact;
    contact.onRefresh(function (contact) {/* do stuff */});
    contact.onIncoming(function (contact) {/* do stuff */});
    contact.onAccepted(function (contact) {/* do stuff */});
    contact.onMissed(function (contact) {/* do stuff */});

Subscribing to events is covered here... https://github.com/amazon-connect/amazon-connect-streams/blob/master/Documentation.md#event-subscription


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