'How to get Priority of C# PriorityQueue element

I am initializing a priority queue that stores XY coordinates, prioritized by their euclidian distance from origin. I created a custom Comparer that makes this operate as a max heap:

PriorityQueue<int[], double> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<int[], double>(Comparer<double>.Create((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)));

This works great, except sometimes I want to be able to look at the top of the heap using Peek(). I can get the value of the element, the point which has type int[], but I can't get the priority. I don't see anything that would allow me to access TPriority. Take this use case for example, which is a common usage of heaps to get the top/bottom K elements in a collection:

for (int i = k; i < points.Length; i++)
    double euclidianDistance = EuclidianDistance(points[i]);
    if (euclidianDistance < EuclidianDistance(maxHeap.Peek()))
        maxHeap.Enqueue(points[i], euclidianDistance);

You will see that I have to compute the euclidian distance again for the element at the top of the heap. Visual Studio shows me this, although I cannot seem to access that second property of type double which refers to the priority.

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

I figured out that this requires usage of a try/get:

for (int i = k; i < points.Length; i++)
    double euclidianDistance = EuclidianDistance(points[i]);
    if (maxHeap.TryPeek(out int[] topPoint, out double priority) && euclidianDistance < priority)
        maxHeap.Enqueue(points[i], euclidianDistance);

Solution 2:[2]

You can use any of the two methods as per your needs

TryPeek - if you want to get the value and the priority value without Poping out of the queue.

This method returns false - if the queue is empty otherwise true

myHeap.TryPeek(out TElement element, out TPriority priority)

myHeap.TryPeek(out int val, out int priorityval); //for int type

TryDequeue - If you want to Pop the value along with the priority value.

This method returns false - if the queue is empty otherwise true

myHeap.TryDequeue(out TElement element, out TPriority priority)

myHeap.TryDequeue(out int val, out int priorityval); // for int type


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Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2